OGB - specialist in construction and interior glass

Safety tempered glass (ESG)

kus_skla04Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass – glass, which has been controlled process of heating and cooling caused by the permanent surface compression stress to substantially increase its resistance to mechanical and thermal stresses and to obtain prescribed characteristics disintegration.

Main parameters of tempered glass

  • resistant to temperature changes, shock, characterized by a greater flexural strength
  • glass is 4 times stronger than conventional flat glass
  • thermally toughened glass is known as tempered glass
  • when broken glass crumbles into small pieces that will not hurt you
  • designed for interiors
  • glass is defined by norm ČSN EN 12150

Glass thickness: from 3 mm to 19 mm; max. side propotrion: 1 : 20

Size for production: min. 250 x 100 mm, depending on the thickness of glass and processing max. 6000 x 3210 mm

Thick glass: 15 mm max. area 16 m²; 19 mm max. area 13 m²

Maximum tensile strength in bending

Thermally toughened glass (tempered glass) by norm ČSN EN 12150 shows during testing 4 mm thick glass panel toughness 120 N/mm².

Concrete construction safety must be assessed comprehensively the intended mode of use of glass. Tempered glass provides protection against injury, e.g. in the following cases:

  • showers
  • glass doors
  • glass partitions
  • furniture glass
  • facade glass
  • balcony glazing

OGB Shards - comparison

Nontempered glass

Nontempered glassWhen broken glass creates a dangerous long saber with very sharp edges.

Semitempered glass

Semitempered glassWhen broken glass is broken into smaller pieces, they are dangerously sharp edges. Glass has a higher strength, but it is not a safety glass.

Tempered glass

Tempered glassGlass shatters into small pieces with fuzzy edges. Tempered glass is safety glass.


Glass doors

Glass doorsSliding doors always must be made of tempered safety glass.

Interior glass

Interior glassSafety glass should be used in the interior standardy.

Spot saved glass

Spot saved glassIf there are holes or slots in glass, we recommend using a thermally hardened.

Frameless railings

Frameless railingsFrameless safety railings are made from laminated thermally toughened safety glass. More...
... glass railings, beams, doors, partitions, stairs, awnings, floors, pergolas ...